Brightlingsea Free Music Festival was established in North East Essex in 2001. Its aim was to provide a platform for new and established bands from across the mainstream spectrum of popular music.
The festival thrives on its status as a free event and aims to attract an audience of all ages and showcases a mixture of new established bands.
It’s developed from using a lorry trailer as a stage in its first 2 years, to providing a purpose built 15 meter orbital stage in the following 3 years.
The original audience of 2000 has increased steadily year on year.
The festival itself is now held in the heart of Brightlingsea, at Hurst Green, making it truly part of the Brightlingsea scenary.
Although the festival is free, it does cost between £20,000 and £28,000 each year to run and so we rely on sponsorship from local businesses….which is a lot harder to find than you may imagine! So please support us by coming to this year’s event.